Wolf Den Run – The Graves!

Wolf Den Run State Park Day Trip – 5 August 2023


  • Ken K – Jeep Wrangler TJ
  • Jendra R & Andrew T – Jeep Wrangler
  • Ben D – 4 Runner
  • Mike O – Jeep Wrangler
  • Brian – Jeep Wrangler
  • Danny M + son – Land Rover
  • Chris P – Jeep Wrangler

We put this trip together to document and suggest an easy trail for novice off-road folks at the Huckleberry Rocks Area.  We also wanted to test run a trail system that we’d submit to Jeep for their Badge of Honor program. The hope is that we could get the attention and interest of the offroad community for the new Maryland off-road trails, and spur development of even more trails in the state! Jendra and Andrew, having experience doing something similar for the Shenandoah County Tourism Office, volunteered to guide the trip as well as take pictures and video at appropriate spots.  Jendra also volunteered to test the depth of mud (and the quality of his pressure washer back home!)  in The Wallows section.  Thanks Jendra! Following you was entertaining! 

With the exception of Danny and son, we all met at the Park HQ.  If you haven’t pre-purchased your day passes online, you can get them in-person at the Park HQ office. Danny caught up with us on the trail shortly after we got started.  We drove the following sections in this order.

At the end of the entrance road, take a hard left onto 0104 then straight onto 0109.  There is a short climb at the beginning on 0109 but if you stay right, it is quite easy.  Take a slight right to 0101 then left on 0201.  Enjoy the many mud holes and you can stop at The Orchard for lunch or drive further to The Graves.  Both have a parking area and picnic tables. 

\Take a slight left onto 0202.  Just past a tight spot, turn right on 0202.  The Graves parking area is about ¼ mile on the left.  The Graves themselves will be just beyond that on the right.  There is room for 2 vehicles to park in front of the graves. 

Danny and son split off at The Graves and went exploring.  The rest of us continued on.  

If you are feeling adventurous and love mud, consider The Wallows.  We, of course, had to get dirty!   To get there, turn right on 0205 then left on 0204.  If The Wallow is too muddy, an easy trail parallels the mud then there is a bailout at 0207, take a right on 0202 and back to 0201.

To avoid The Wallows, stay on 0202 and right on 0201.  Stay on 0201 then 0101 which eventually takes you back to the parking area and the exit.  

If you want a challenge (which we couldn’t refuse), turn right on 0102. The trail makes a hard right and although that stretch is shown as a Green, it is definitely a Blue.  There is an easy bailout road on the left just before the blue section.  The short climb looks intimidating and there is a short stretch of rocks just beyond.  At the end of 0102, turn left on 0101 and again another left and you will be back to the entrance road.



Click following button or element on the map to see information about it.
Lf Hiker
| E.Pointal

The Graves 


50 100 150 200 5 10 15 Distance (mi) Elevation (ft)

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Photo Album: 07/05/2023 WDRSP-Graves

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Trail Report written by Ken Kyler. Pictures contributed by Andrew Taylor, Jendra Rambharos, Chris Patton, Brian Middleton, Mike O Grady and Ben Dunkerton. GPS tracks provided by Jendra Rambharos.

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