Here you will find information on frequently asked questions (FAQs). If you do not find your answer here, feel free to contact us directly.
1.Club StuffInformation about the CORE club.
CORE is located in the Washington DC metro area. We have members from around the DC area including Virginia and Maryland.
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We have regular meetings the third Sunday every other month (i.e. six times a year). Our meeting location can change based on space availability but generally we meet at a restaurant in Bethesda, MD. We also sometimes hold meetings on the trail or at a Wrenching Party!
For more information regarding the next meeting date check the CORE Calendar or reach out to
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Yes to become a full fledged member there are annual dues of $50. In addition to covering the club administrative costs, it also provides each member a membership in Middle Atlantic Four Wheel Drive Association and United Four Wheel Drive Association.
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Of course. We always welcome guests. Just check our event calendar for the next monthly meeting location and time. Hope to see you there.
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Yes. At the regional level, CORE is a member of Middle Atlantic Four Wheel Drive Association (
At the national level CORE is a member of United Four Wheel Drive Association (
Additionally, CORE is a member of the Maryland OHV Alliance (
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We are a relatively small group with about 15 to 20 official members. Even though we may be small we are pretty active. Usually hit the trails about once a month. Additionally we pride ourselves on responsible four wheeling. We are not looking to trash our vehicles or the environment. We are looking for a good time with our like-minded individuals in our sport.
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Of course. Many of our members run stock vehicles on our trails rides. Some trails are more difficult than others or may have a tougher section. However, many times there are by-passes or alternate routes you may take to avoid the harder stuff. In all cases we will make sure that you are never pressured into trying something that you are not comfortable attempting.
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Our club is not vehicle specific. We welcome all four wheel drive vehicles. Our members drive Jeeps, GMC/Chevys, Toyotas, Nissans, Land Rovers, and Fords. We have members with stock vehicles and a few that are fully built up.
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Of course. We always welcome guests on our trail runs. We go out of our way to welcome new guests on our rides and ensure that they have a safe and enjoyable experience.
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Yes we require that every guest fill and sign out a CORE waiver form. The form will be collected by the trail run organizer before the actual trail ride begins. You may download a blank form from the CORE web site.
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We often ride on public lands in Western Virginia, West Virginia, and Western Maryland. We also go to several off-road parks in Pennsylvania. Our travels have also taken us to the beaches and state forests in North Carolina. We try to offer many types of rides to cater to our members' interests - some on free public lands and some in pay-to-play parks. We are always open to new ideas and often take exploratory runs to try out new trails before bringing a group out. Our only requirement is that the trails we ride must be legal trails where we can ride responsibly.
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When we ride on public land generally there is no cost. However there are some public lands on US Forest Service property where a small daily riding fee is required. When we attend one of the private off-road parks, there is a daily riding fee. Prices vary but you can expect to pay about $25 for a days run. Occasionally the club will participate in charity or commercial four wheel drive events. The costs for these events vary. Cost information about each ride is given out to the membership well in advance of any given ride.
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Make sure you have secure recovery points on your vehicle in case you get stuck or need to help someone else get unstuck. A tow strap with looped ends (no hooks) is good insurance. A first aid kit and fire extinguishers are good ideas to always have in your vehicle. In most cases since you will be out on the trail for a good part of the day, you will also need to bring a lunch.
The trip organizer will tell you of anything else you may need to bring.
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Check the CORE Calendar on this web site. Information about the trail will include the location, date and time, and specific information on meeting areas. Also information for contacting the trail run organizer will be posted. Contact to be added to the public listserv if you would like to be kept up to date on club activities.
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