The LATEST in a series of treks out to nearby Walking Stick (also known as the State Line or Tuscarora Trail) took place bright and early Saturday morning, October 19, 2002. The advertised purpose of this trip was to try and go where no man/woman has gone before (hence “the Trek”); that is, beyond the […]
Tuscarora Trail
State Line/Walking Stick Trail
Independence Day weekend 2002 found CORE and its guests declaring Independence from the Pavement and riding the Tuscarora Trail along the mountaintop between VA and WV. This trail is also called Stateline, County Line and Walking Stick Trail following an earlier ride and the preponderance of that particular insect in the lead Jeep. Along for […]
Walking Stick (County Line)
Well, it was a beautiful Saturday morning. I met Paul and Julia Woscek at the Sheetz gas station in Haymarket, VA, at the intersection of US 15 and VA. 55, right off of I66. Paul had his S10 P/U, and of course I was in my 1999 TJ. It didn’t take long to get to […]