- Ben and daughter – Toyota 4Runner
- Darren – Jeep JKU
- Brian – Jeep JKU
- Jeff and family – Jeep Gladiator
- Jason – Jeep JK
- Stephen – Jeep Grand Cherokee Trailhawk
- Steve – Nissan Frontier
The day kicked off with a drivers meeting at the 7-11 at 340 W Reservoir Rd, Woodstock, VA 22664. That location is one of a few nearby that also sells the $5 day passes for the Peters Mill/Taskers Gap trail system.
After our drivers meeting, we drove over to the parking lot at Taskers Gap trail to air our tires down in preparation for getting on the trail. While there Steve discovered an issue with his valve stem that required switching to his spare. After a little bit of work we were on the trail!
Taskers Gap is a mild out and back trail that has a few rocky sections that require a little bit of thought as to what line to take. The mudhole that used to be the signature of the trail appeared to have been completely filled in as there was not even the evidence of a depression where it used to be. The trail there was bumpy like it had been tracked with a bulldozer.
After completing the trail, we headed up the road to the Edinburg Gap parking lot across the road from the southern end of the Peters Mill trail. We found an empty side parking lot and stopped to have lunch. Lunch provided a great time to get to know the guests some of whom had limited off road experience. Stephen had gotten his Grand Cherokee only two weeks before and was still on the temporary tags!
Once we finished our lunch, we loaded back up and headed over to the start of the Peters Mill section, going north. We found some fun rocky climbs that we could bounce over a bit. Still stock friendly for most 4x4s, but definitely fun to clamber over! The signature climb gave plenty of options for choosing your own adventure! Jason even lifted a tire in his two door JK!
As is common in the summer, we encounter some traffic which required some creativity to get around. The most challenging case of this is when we had one Jeep trying to overtake from behind while we met two vehicles head on. Fortunately, there was a small clearing nearby which gave us the opportunity to shuffle everyone around and on their way down the trail.
Once we wrapped up the ride and got to the small lot at the end of the trail, we all aired up our tires and called it a day.
Peters Mill and Taskers Gap Track
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Trail Report written by Ben Dunkerton. Pictures contributed by Ben Dunkerton, Steve Schueler, Darren Modzelewski, and Jeff Wohlgemuth. GPS tracks provided by Jendra Rambharos.